Do you have a passion for makeup artistry? Have you been thinking of a career change? How does it sound to make extra money with a side hustle?
Pursing a career in makeup artistry might be the path for you. There are so many career paths inside the beauty industry. Speaking from experience you can not go wrong with any. The beauty industry is a billion dollar industry, finding your way is not as hard as you may think. I will guide you through a few steps to help get started in the industry.
Making the decision to jump into a new field can be difficult. I recommend to research the field to determine if you are fully interest in moving forward. Once you decide, do not put it off for another 5 years. The time to start is now. A lot of people get hung up on the idea that “the market is too saturated, to many bloggers or influencers already exist.” The beauty industry will always be around and there is room for everyone to succeed.
To help make the decision easier, I have listed some basic skills needed outside of artistry skills to succeed as a makeup artist:
Time management skills
Attention to detail skills
Good communication skills
Teamwork skills
Most employers look for these basic skills, when hiring a makeup artist. The opportunities are endless, you can work for yourself, work for a retailer, salon, work with a team or spa to help build a clientele.
To become great at anything you have to practice. The makeup artistry field is no different. In order to hone your skills you have to practice daily. Practice different looks on a variety of face shapes, eye shapes and skin tones to develop the basic skills to become a makeup artist. Start with practicing on family and friends. Track your progression by taking photos of every look you create.
Before you jump head first into the field, find a reputable school to train with. Training in the field has several advantages. You will learn the ends and out of the business from trained professionals. Having the opportunity to meet and work with other artist, grow your skill set and build a solid foundation in the field, can only help your career.
Makeup programs can be pricey, however investing in your craft is well worth it. Having the guidance and lifelong support from a makeup school will set you up for success.
If you have a passion for makeup artistry and love meeting new people then pursing this field is ideal for you. This field is a rewarding career, making someone feel special every time you provide a service is an unmatchable feeling. Becoming a successful makeup artist takes time, success does not happen overnight. However, with hard work, dedication, practice and networking, you will find endless doors opening for you.
Here at Canvas Makeup Academy we offer a variety of makeup programs. All of our classes are taught by professional makeup artist with over 10 plus years of experience, who are currently working in the field. I encourage you to do your research and start with a makeup program that fits your schedule. If you start now, a year from now you will not regret the decision of just starting.